Brotherhood of Tamriel / Guild Profile

Attention: This guild profile has not been updated in a long time and so may be inaccurate, or the guild may no longer exist.
Guild Name Brotherhood of Tamriel
Guild Tag [BoT]
Last Updated 6th July, 2015
Server American (XB1)
Faction Aldmeri Dominion
Style & Focus Balanced/Mixed PvE
Language(s) English (Secondary: English)
Location United States
Discord N/A
Twitter N/A
Voice Comms Other
Members 51-150
Guild Leader(s) Zyricks, Plain Jaine
Recruitment Status Open
Min. Age 16
Min. Time Investment 4 days/week, 5 hours/week
Timezone(s) GMT -5
Skill Level(s) Any
Activities SocialisingAlliance vs AllianceQuestingTrials/RaidingVeteran Dungeons

General Guild Info

Hello, and welcome to the Brothers of Tamriel guild page

We are a new up incoming ESO Guild for Xbox One.

Hello everyone from Brothers of Tamriel we thank you for visiting our website! We are a PVP/PVE based Guild with experienced WoW(World of Warcraft) players. We currently do not have any set times to play as we need to recruit a fair amount of people to be able to do so. Once are ranks are built we will start to schedule events for our Brothers to partake in. We are currently recruiting any and all players! Weather you're a veteran of the MMO world of new to the MMO Scene. We have the help and guideance to make you a MMO Champion. All it takes is 3 minutes of your time to join the Brotherhood!

 Until next time....Happy Hunting!