The Furries of ESO / Guild Profile

Guild Name The Furries of ESO
Guild Tag [Furry]
Last Updated 18th January, 2025
Server American (PC)
Faction Aldmeri Dominion
Style & Focus Casual/Laidback PvX
Language(s) English
Location United States
Twitter @Heroofnone
Voice Comms Discord
Members 300+
Guild Leader(s) @Heroofnone, @AlaradRoux, @TehWulf
Recruitment Status Open
Min. Age 18
Min. Time Investment N/A
Timezone(s) GMT -5
Skill Level(s) Low
Activities SocialisingQuestingCrafting/Trading

General Guild Info

Are you a Furry playing ESO on PC NA? Then come join The Furries of ESO; made up of Furries who have played the game since launch. We have over 175+ members, many of whom actively play ESO daily. We're a social casual guild where it's easy to make connections with others in the fandom, find others to play with, or just engage in chat. We are relaxed guild without 'mandatory events' you'd have to schedule around.

If you interested please message me with your in game @ name or send a tell/mail in game to @Heroofnone, @AlaradRoux, or @TehWulf for an invite! Thanks for your time and we'll see you around Tamriel!

Elder Scrolls Online Info

The Furries of ESO has been around since ESO's launch in 2014; providing a chill & casual environment for members of the furry fandom to congregate and meet. No events are mandatory and assistance is available for any that request it.