Order of the Star / Guild Profile

Guild Name Order of the Star
Guild Tag [OotS]
Last Updated 18th November, 2024
Server American (PC)
Faction Aldmeri Dominion
Style & Focus Casual/Laidback PvX
Language(s) English
Location Australia
Website N/A
Discord N/A
Twitter N/A
Voice Comms Discord
Members 151-300
Guild Leader(s) @AlanTheStarLord
Recruitment Status Open
Min. Age N/A
Min. Time Investment N/A
Timezone(s) GMT +10
Skill Level(s) Any
Activities SocialisingAlliance vs AllianceQuestingTrials/RaidingCrafting/TradingVeteran Dungeons

General Guild Info

Welcome! We're one of the best and the oldest (since 2014) AU-based, family-friendly, fun, social guilds for solo players that you'll find, for all races and factions, noobs + vets.

We have a beautiful guild house for members to relax in, which also has all the set crafting stations in the game, all the mundus stones, as well as a merchant and banker.

We have our own Discord server for discussions, with voice channels for those who want to do group activities (it's not a requirement), and we have a weekly guild raffle with prizes for the winners!

Our members enjoy playing this game mostly by themselves, but can also be found helping each other in guild chat and Discord, which includes providing information, advice or guidance, as well as crafting, quests, dungeons and bosses.

If you're mostly a solo player that likes doing your own thing but would appreciate being part of a like-minded community, then you're welcome to join us.