Stinkhorn Ridge Hoppers / Guild Profile

Guild Name Stinkhorn Ridge Hoppers
Guild Tag [SRH]
Last Updated 21st January, 2025
Server European (PS4)
Faction Aldmeri Dominion
Style & Focus Casual/Laidback PvE
Language(s) English
Location United Kingdom
Twitter N/A
Voice Comms Other
Members 300+
Guild Leader(s) PSN: HTGJONES
Recruitment Status Open
Min. Age N/A
Min. Time Investment 5 hours/week
Timezone(s) GMT
Skill Level(s) Any
Activities SocialisingRoleplayingAlliance vs AllianceQuestingTrials/RaidingCrafting/TradingVeteran Dungeons

General Guild Info

Relaxed guild who help each other out with Quests, Crafting and PvE and PvP.  All members can invite people to join the guild so if you have friends you can bring them in too!

Guild Bank - We do have a well stocked Guild bank but a guild bank is only ever as good as the members make it - to get access you need to donate 25K to the Guild bank, join the facebook or Discord or join in Guild events

Guild Chat - We have 5 channels - Channel 1 tends to be general chat. Please feel free to use any of the others your group if your questing etc.

Guild House - We have a merchant vendor, banker, all Mundus Stones, all attuned crafting stations, Vampire feeding station etc

Stuff we do:

There are always people on every evening but we have some days when we do specific activities.

Tuesday - evenings from 8pm - Trials night.  12 man dungeons, either Vet or Normal - mostly Vet now on a Tuesday
Wednesday - Trials for beginners
Thursday - 
Veteran dungeons - team up and smash through the hard dungeons!
Friday - 
Trials (Normal)

PVP - We dont do a massive amount currently - something we are looking to grow.  Have a PVP sister guild 

Need equipment? Just ask - we've got players happy to make weapons/armour sets for you
Questions about the game? Just ask away - no question is too stupid!  We all knew nothing when we started either.
Crafting support - generally have plenty of materials and receipies in the Guild bank for levelling crafting and provisioning etc
Weekly raffle - 2500 crowns per ticket - win 30K.  If we dont win a Guild Vendor then more winners in the raffle!
Facebook group - Keep upto date with ESO news and guild chatter.
Guild Vendor - we always bid on a  Guild vendor - don't alwlays win but we get one more often than not.
Bites - want to be a Vampire or Werewolf?  Just ask...


Elder Scrolls Online Info

Relaxed guild who help each other out with Quests, Crafting and PvE and PvP.  All members can invite people to join the guild so if you have friends you can bring them in too!

Tuesday - evenings from 8pm - Trials night
Thursday - Veteran trials
Friday - Trials

Guild Bank - We do have a well stocked Guild bank but a guild bank is only ever as good as the members make it - to get access you need to donate to the bank, join the facebook page or talk to us on mic in Guild Chat!
Guild Chat - We have 5 channels - Channel 1 tends to be general chat. Please feel free to use any of the others your group if your questing etc.

Guild House - all attuned crafing sets, mundus stones, banker and merchant - see Daily message for how to get there

Stuff we do:

PVP - Guild does Cyridiil..Thornblade (or Haderus is that's laggy) Friday/Saturday from 7pm
Need equipment? Just ask - we've got players happy to make weapons/armour sets for you
Active Discord channel

Questions about the game? Just ask away - no question is too stupid!  We all knew nothing when we started either.
Crafting support - generally have plenty of materials and receipies in the Guild bank for levelling crafting and provisioning etc
Weekly raffle - 2500 crowns per ticket - win 25K and a goodie bag!
Facebook group - Keep upto date with ESO news and guild chatter.
Guild Vendor - we always bid on a  Guild vendor - don't alwlays win but we get one more often than not.
Bites - want to be a Vampire or Werewolf?  Just ask...