Dragon's Nest Thievery Co / Guild Profile

Guild Name Dragon's Nest Thievery Co
Guild Tag [DNTC]
Last Updated 24th January, 2025
Server American (PC)
Faction Ebonheart Pact
Style & Focus Balanced/Mixed PvX
Language(s) English
Location United States
Website N/A
Discord https://discord.gg/NKXmXfc
Twitter N/A
Voice Comms Discord
Members 300+
Guild Leader(s) WolfStar07, DNTC_Guild, DragonsHoard
Recruitment Status Open
Min. Age 18
Min. Time Investment 2 days/week, 6 hours/week
Timezone(s) GMT -8 through GMT +10
Skill Level(s) LowMedium
Activities SocialisingQuestingTrials/RaidingCrafting/TradingVeteran Dungeons

Elder Scrolls Online Info

When the job is as delicate as stealing from a dragon's nest, call on Dragon's Nest Thievery Co to get it done right! We're a close-knit pve-focused guild & intend to grow with people we can trust in a heist. There is honor among thieves and the untrustworthy are swiftly dealt with. If you enjoy a good dungeoneering or a bit of PvE to complete your day, this is the guild for you. We have a weekly schedule of events ranging from trials and scavenger hunts to daily quests and dungeons, and are actively looking for players that share DNTC's mindset and want to help us make this their guild! We even have weekly raffles and quarterly auctions with the intent of raising gold for contests and maintaining our trader. Master crafting stations, mundus stones, and target dummies are located at the guild hall. Message @WolfStar07 for an invite.