The Mystery Islanders / Guild Profile

Guild Name The Mystery Islanders
Guild Tag [TMI]
Last Updated 13th February, 2025
Server American (PS4)
Faction Aldmeri Dominion
Style & Focus Casual/Laidback PvX
Language(s) English (Secondary: Ōlelo Hawai)
Location United States
Website N/A
Twitter N/A
Voice Comms N/A
Members 1-10
Guild Leader(s) xXArcaneEmb3rXx, Wizmon808
Recruitment Status Open
Min. Age 18
Min. Time Investment 1 days/week
Timezone(s) GMT -10 through GMT -8
Skill Level(s) Any
Activities SocialisingQuestingCrafting/Trading

General Guild Info

It's a beginner guild but open to all players. It is a safe area for all. We also have a discord if you choose to join! There will be no dues, we just ask you to stock the traders when one is available!

Elder Scrolls Online Info

It's a beginner guild but open to all players. It is a safe area for all. We also have a discord if you choose to join! There will be no dues, we just ask you to stock the traders when one is available!